2024 Early Career Scholar Award Recipient:
Shaohai Jiang, National University of Singapore

The Early Career Award recognizes a communication scholar who has made a substantial positive impact on health communication research, yet who is currently early in her/his career. Nominees should have a productive record of high-quality publications and show evidence of sustaining their upward scholarly trajectory. In addition, nominees’ research should be of theoretical significance to health communication, offer practical contributions, and demonstrate methodological strength.
There are three nomination criteria. The nominee must: a) have a PhD in Communication; b) have received her/his PhD within the last seven years (e.g., to receive the 2025 Early Career Award, the nominee should have earned a PhD between 2018- present); and c) be a member of NCA’s Health Communication Division the year that she/he is being nominated.
Please submit a single PDF nomination packet that includes: (a) A single, detailed letter of nomination addressing the aforementioned criteria; (b) The scholar’s vita; and (c) Five representative peer-reviewed
publications. Self-nominations are welcome.
2024: Shaohai Jiang, National University of Singapore
2023: Joris Van Ouytsel, Arizona State University
2022: Dr. Qinghua Yang, Texas Christian University
2021: Dr. Satveer Kaur-Gill
2021: Dr. Sebastian Scherr, Texas A&M University
2019: Katharine J. Head, Indianapolis University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
2018: Dr. Kate C. Magsamen-Conrad, University of Iowa
2017: Dr. Sun Joo [Grace] Ahn