2024 Dale E. Brashers Distinguished Mentor
Andrew Spieldenner, California State University San Marcos

In 2012 the Health Communication Division created a mentoring award and named it after the late Dale E. Brashers. Dale E. Brashers, the head of the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois, died July 5, 2010 in his campus office. He was 50 years old. A former Chair of the Health Communication Division, Dale mentored many of the young scholars active in the field today.
The Dale E. Brashers Distinguished Mentor Award recognizes significant contributions to the field of health communication through mentorship of and advocacy for the discipline and its members. These contributions can take many forms, such as mentorship at the scholarly (e.g., role-modeling through exceptional scholarship, division leadership, etc.), institutional (e.g., development of health communication within a college or university), departmental (e.g., development of health communication within an academic department), and, perhaps most importantly, individual (e.g., teaching and mentorship of scholars who contribute to the broader discipline) levels.
Nomination packets should include: (a) A rationale and explanation of the significance of nominee contributions to the field of health communication, institutions, departments, and/or individuals through the provision of exceptional mentorship; (b) the scholar’s vita; and (c) optional letters of support of the nomination (maximum of three).
Dale Brashers Distinguished Mentors
2024: Andrew Spieldenner, California State University San Marcos
2023: Kathryn Greene, Rutgers University
2022; No award
2021: Monique Mitchell Turner, Michigan State University
2020: Mohan Dutta, Massey University
2019: Elisia Cohen, University of Minnesota
2018: Kellie E. Carlyle, Virginia Commonwealth University
2017: Kami Silk, University of Delaware
2016: Nancy Harrington, University of Kentucky
2015: Roxanne Parrott, Pennsylvania State University
2014: Gary Kreps, George Mason University
2013: K. “Vish” Vishwanath, Harvard University