NCA 111th Annual Convention in Denver

NCA 111th Annual Convention in Denver

The NCA 111th Annual Convention in Denver will take place as a face-to-face meeting. Regular updates are being added to the NCA Annual Convention webpage.

NCA 111th Annual Convention
“Communicate to Elevate” | November 20–23, 2025 | Denver, Colorado

Call for Submissions
The Health Communication Division invites submissions related to the practice, critique, theory, research, and teaching of health communication. All submitters will be expected to also serve as reviewers. We welcome a variety of theoretical, empirical, and methodological approaches in several formats.

The Health Division welcomes submissions for three types of projects:

Research in Progress/Collaboration Spaces: Each presenter will share a project that is fully conceptualized but still in the early stages of analysis, interpretation, critique, or data collection. The goal is to engage in discussions that support the development of exceptional research.

Traditional Sessions and Data Blitz: Competitive individual papers will be accepted for presentation in traditional sessions or Data Blitz sessions.

Traditional Sessions: You will present your research for 10-12 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for Q&A with the audience and all panelists.

Data Blitz: You will present your results for 3–4 minutes, focusing on data, in an effort to solicit feedback. Half of the session will be devoted to presentations, and the other half to conversations with the presenters.

Panel Discussions: We welcome two types of panel proposals:

Panels tied to key area(s) of focus in health communication and/or to the
conference theme

Spotlight Panels that: a) engage with health communication as it relates to
issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion; b) combine scholars from multiple
university structures to discuss teaching health communication; c)
showcase ways health is performed in everyday lives, locally and globally; or
d) engage with topics that bridge issues of health across multiple NCA units.

Submission Deadline: March 31, 11:59 PM ET.